Monika Botkier replica handbags

botkier-purseWhen successful fashion photographer Monica Botkier started the handbag business nobody ever dreamt of the success these Botkier purses will have. The story is this: Monica Botkier started making bags for herself, because she could not find suitable bags for the right price on the market. r first handbag collection received superb reviews and that inspired her to continue pursuing the handbag manufacturing career. These Monica Botkier purses, satchels and totes shook the market and gained the cult like IT bag status. Botkier Trigger was one of the most successful purses. These bags are also very popular among celebrities, for example, Jessica Alba and Angelina Jolie have been spotted carrying a Botkier bag.
The great news are that the Botkeir handbags are availble on sale. The online sale discounted Botkier bags are available on their website – Ziggy, Jemma or Stevie bags are one sale in various colours. New Botkier resort collection is also great.

More info on Botkier handbags here >>>

Brand Bag Sale – Goes Live ♥

Jennifer Lopez LV
Jennifer Lopez LV

Brand Bag Sale dot Com is open

be the first to find the news of any bag sales that I noticed on-line where you can buy designer brand handbags and purses at a considerable discount. I am looking for great deals online all the time so I thought I just as well can share it with other girls looking for brand bags on sale. The bags I like are Hermes, Chanel or Dior, LV Tribute Patchwork and others.

>>> Bags On Sale HOT OFFERS ♥

I will post other Fahsion News and Celebrity gosip if it is related to handbags. In my opinion too much of Carla Bruni can get anyoing even if she is gorgeous. Mens Fashion is another area I intend to cover if I have the time for it. Love LV. CY.

Hello Bag world!

Welcome to . This is My first post just to test how WordPress works and to tell You all my dear visitors that I finaly did it – got arround to making my own Blog about the thing I like 🙂

Expect to see here a lot of Bags, news of great online shopping opportunities, fashion and design news etc.

My experience with buying replica bags >>