YSL Classical Look on Authentic and Knockoff Bags

YSL BagThe man behind one of the world’s famous fashion companies, Yves Saint Laurent, died recently which made the fashion world depressed. However, this should not be so for the legendary designer did not bring his legacy with him to the ground. He left it behind for the people to enjoy and cherish. Each of his company’s creations has the classical look to it but with a subtle modern twist which an inexpert eye would not notice immediately.  Replica FendiKnockoff Balenciaga, Faux Botkier, Replica Chloe Bags .

To see the genius of the man behind YSL, here are two of the company’s famous bags. The Muse would be the ultimate bag for an edgy fashionista who wants to have variety for the bag is available in three colors and in three fabrics as well. This bag is characterized by suede on its front, leather flaps and canvas trims. When the price for this bag is not affordable for you, you can have the much cheaper replica versions. There is also the Crocodile Muse Two which has navy and purple colors. When you go online, you can find that there are so many online shops which can offer you cheaper replicas of these fashionable bags. The Rive Gauche tote is made out of patent and ostrich leather with an additional embossed crocodile design. This bag is undoubtedly expensive. More on YSL Bags on Sale…

The fashion company also offers Downtown Python bags and totem bags. These two styles can be availed of at discounted prices if you just know the right store to go to. You can also have discounts of purses and handbags which are truly authentic in some fashion houses, but sometimes people buy replica bags or knockoff bags.

A Look at Available Burberry Bags and their Knockoffs

There are already many designer brands of products all over the world. Most of them are started by Italian and French designers. However, Burberry is another story. It is a US- and UK-based company that produces fashion clothing for men and women, perfumes, and accessories. Burberry tote

The proud founder of the company was Thomas Burberry and he had this achievement at the age of 21, in 1856. The company had its humble beginnings in selling outdoor clothing as a shop in Basingstoke, Hampshire. Another remarkable achievement by Burberry is that he was the one who invented gabardine, a fabric that is waterproof but is still breathable.

In 1924, the first of the legendary products of Burberry was launched, which was a line of trenchcoat. It had the iconic Burberry check symbol which is still used now. Then, the coats were added with a line of scarves, accessories, and bags.

Read on Burberry bags >>>

Burberry has ever since had a beautiful and continually improving culture of producing quality bags and other products. One of its most recent and welcomed creations are the Drawstrings tote bag. It also makes Burberry Warrior bag. Another attractive creation is the Burberry belted leather tote. The beauty of this bag lies in the fact that the bag can accommodate many things that you would like to carry with you without it looking distorted.

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A proud owner of a Burberry bag would have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on a single bag. However, you can own a Burberry-looking bag if you will buy those Burberry knockoffs.

Replica handbags

Bought a designer handbag with great price at the street shop or street vendor and sure you got a bargain? Think again. It’s almost 99.9% probability that this is a replica cheap knockoff handbag manufactured somewhere in Asian factory. Although nowadays these bags are made of high quality materials, using genuine leather, sometimes even exotic skins, as well as well crafted details, these bags still are only mirror image designer bags. The scheme of these bags is simple. Somebody takes a design of a famous authentic designer handbag and reproduces it himself and sells at a cheap price. The most counterfeited brand is the replica Louis Vuitton bags, but many more knockoff fake handbags have been spotted, fake Chanel bag, replica Muse bag, imitiation Nightingale bag, fake Muse bag, any fake Botkier or fake D&G handbag. These bags have nothing to do with the original designers or designs. They lack the quality of an authentic bag, and although many of the imitation purses, satchels and totes are sold with the so called “authentic ID numbers” and dust bags, these still are fake handbags that ruin businesses of many fashion houses. Although it is speculated that some of the designers are not that much against the replica bag market, because they make the free advertising for them, most of the handbag designers are strongly fighting the replica industry. Also, to make the bags more available and sell the previous season collections many handbag designers offer even the most popular handbags on sale. Mulberry Roxanne in various colours is available on sale from time to time, and so are many other famous IT bags. You just have to check out the designers’ websites to see if there is some great bag available at discounted price. Read more on handbags….

Replica Be&D bags


Be&D have produced many lovely bags loved by many celebrities. Eva Longoria looks admirable with her Kan Kan tote. The Kan Kan line is very feminine, flirtatious  and practical at the same time. This bag is simply amazing. Although many replica Be&D bags have been spotted, these are the fake, mirror image replica be&D handbags and fake replica Kan Kan purses.

The new Be&D collection designed by Be Inthavong and Steve Dumain features playful colours in the most exquisite leather and hardware. The main emphasis is the Kan Kan bag in various colours and Beleville hobo.

Be ware that it is possible to get some discounted Be&D products on Be&D handbag sale. Right now they are selling discounted Twiggy tote, Perry Mini, Kiss satchel, as well as some of the Garbo bags on low prices.

Read more on Be&D here …
