Be&D have produced many lovely bags loved by many celebrities. Eva Longoria looks admirable with her Kan Kan tote. The Kan Kan line is very feminine, flirtatious and practical at the same time. This bag is simply amazing. Although many replica Be&D bags have been spotted, these are the fake, mirror image replica be&D handbags and fake replica Kan Kan purses.
The new Be&D collection designed by Be Inthavong and Steve Dumain features playful colours in the most exquisite leather and hardware. The main emphasis is the Kan Kan bag in various colours and Beleville hobo.
Be ware that it is possible to get some discounted Be&D products on Be&D handbag sale. Right now they are selling discounted Twiggy tote, Perry Mini, Kiss satchel, as well as some of the Garbo bags on low prices.