Replica Be&D bags


Be&D have produced many lovely bags loved by many celebrities. Eva Longoria looks admirable with her Kan Kan tote. The Kan Kan line is very feminine, flirtatious  and practical at the same time. This bag is simply amazing. Although many replica Be&D bags have been spotted, these are the fake, mirror image replica be&D handbags and fake replica Kan Kan purses.

The new Be&D collection designed by Be Inthavong and Steve Dumain features playful colours in the most exquisite leather and hardware. The main emphasis is the Kan Kan bag in various colours and Beleville hobo.

Be ware that it is possible to get some discounted Be&D products on Be&D handbag sale. Right now they are selling discounted Twiggy tote, Perry Mini, Kiss satchel, as well as some of the Garbo bags on low prices.

Read more on Be&D here …


Monika Botkier replica handbags

botkier-purseWhen successful fashion photographer Monica Botkier started the handbag business nobody ever dreamt of the success these Botkier purses will have. The story is this: Monica Botkier started making bags for herself, because she could not find suitable bags for the right price on the market. r first handbag collection received superb reviews and that inspired her to continue pursuing the handbag manufacturing career. These Monica Botkier purses, satchels and totes shook the market and gained the cult like IT bag status. Botkier Trigger was one of the most successful purses. These bags are also very popular among celebrities, for example, Jessica Alba and Angelina Jolie have been spotted carrying a Botkier bag.
The great news are that the Botkeir handbags are availble on sale. The online sale discounted Botkier bags are available on their website – Ziggy, Jemma or Stevie bags are one sale in various colours. New Botkier resort collection is also great.

More info on Botkier handbags here >>>

Louis Vuitton and Rei Kawakubo

Crazyiness in Tokyo. That’s how it all could be summarized. Nobody ever expected such a partnership between Rei Kawakubo – the Japanese fashion minimalist and french glamour fashion brand  Louis Vuitton. But it really did happen. One day Marc Jacobs met with the president of Comme des Garcons International and they had a talk. And it happened that it is 30 years since LV is in Japan. And it happened that they agreed that the event could be celebrated by Rei Kawakubo becoming a guess designer at LV, similarly like Murkamai had done before.  

Six Kawakubo bags that made such a fuzz are described as party bags with with multiple handles or two handles. She has also played with the LV monogram. These bags cost approximately from 750 to 2000 dollars.

LV Bags on Sale >>

Chanel handbags – 2.55

Chanel 2.55
Chanel 2.55

Everlasting elegance and class. French chic. Classical lines, quilted leather, famous pattern and the CC symbol, of course. Chanel bag is a must have for any bag fan.
One of the most known Chanel bags is the 2.55 bag. Created by Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel it was a revolutionary bag for the time and it still is one of the icon bags or IT bags. 2.55 is named after its launch date. This bag would be nothing special unless Coco Chanel hadn’t added long shoulder straps to it. It was a novelty in 1955. Coco did this for practical reasons – she simply wanted to free up her hands. Originally the 2.55 was produced in standard Chanel palette: beige, blue, brown and black. Today you can find the 2.55 in many colours and different materials, for example, tweed. This beautiful icon bag can be bought also online or in any Chanel boutique. There are also many Chanel replica bags on Internet. Some of these fake Chanel bags are made of good quality leather, however it can never replace the original Chanel handbag.

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